
Základní pojmy: Mix

Z Wiki OpenTX

Verze z 20. 10. 2013, 12:10, kterou vytvořil Zdenek (diskuse | příspěvky) (Založena nová stránka: Obviously, some readers imagined nima13 was asking about physical mixer devices you put on planes, and others thought nima13 was talking about mixer programming on a TX.…)
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Obviously, some readers imagined nima13 was asking about physical mixer devices you put on planes, and others thought nima13 was talking about mixer programming on a TX.

See how easy it is to get confused.

Facts as I understand them: 1) Physical mixers (electronic devices) you put on planes may be called v-tail mixers (eg on HobbyKing website) but they can be used to mix any channels and so be used as an elevon mixer for example (or anything else you care to imagine). They simply mix 2 servo channels. They are often used when you do not have mixer programming on your TX. They may also be useful in conjunction with the use of gyros on planes. 2) Software mixers on TXs can do the same job and therefore eliminate the need to use physical mixers. 3) Most good TX's have general mixer programming where you can mix almost any channel with any other channel. 4) Most good TX's also have preprogrammed mixers to do specific but common mixing tasks and these are often called by the names v-tail, elevon, etc. These mix specific channels together according to function (eg v-tail = rudder + elevator, elevon = aileron + elevator, etc).